unlike previous years, the pair wasn't flying out to the site of the super bowl with the intention of playing or watching someone play. it was a sore subject, but nonetheless he had to be there for all the things that he'd been booked for - some seeming more questionable than others. always wanting the company, he'd finagled olivia into coming along rather than going back to los angeles. so what exactly happened? 🤔🤔

workin': interviews on interviews and pizza hut embarrassment
playin': we have dinner and any evening activities to plan

workin': sprinkles of interviews in the am while bae is snoozin'
• strolling in the ravine after kai's art show
krog street market for all types of eating. danny's personal favorite? grand champion bbq and the pit stop at sweet inman's candies for the post-meal sugar rush
dealing with family is so easy

workin': issa no for this day dawg
porsche experience center atlanta - because there is always a need 4 speed
dinner at bones - vino and meat, what more could you need?
top golf to end the night - we know which one of the two took this Extra seriously.

the return to texas: it is time to pack up the car full of everything delicious that will be present at the table for the big day. olivia probably putting lots of things in the cart, danny taking them back out because no we don't need that many cheese for your cheese board and somehow it still mysteriously makes it to the check out line again. danny being a butthead and going out with his boyz at night instead of being helpful and oh yeah, losing his phone. while out, liv made herself at home at danny's because #thisisMyhomenow


game day!!!: da on the grill, culpo on the cheese board, them boots, frisky hands, and endless screaming and strategizing with many successful distractions in the form of neck kisses, donuts, and tequila. que mas?